F1GP-Ed Documentation

Amiga Formula One

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This window allows you to adjust various settings which affect the in-game

   The number of times F1GP updates the screen in one second.  Basically,
higher values make the game look and feel a lot smoother and more playable.
Here is a small table showing the maximum performance you can expect to get
out of various machines:

   Computer    CPU   MHz | fps      | Detail
   A4000       68040  25 |  20      | minimum
   A1200       68030  50 |  16.7/20 | minimum
   A1200       68020  14 |  12.5/15 | minimum
   A500/A600   68000   7 |  8/10    | minimum

Currently, the computer cars drive slower at higher frame rates. To get the
cars to drive at about the same times as at 8 fps, you should adjust the
Speed Factor in the Team Editor accordingly. This can be done by
multiplying it by the corresponding scale:

   fps  | scale
   20   | 1.0653
   16.6 | 1.0341
   15   | 1.0227
   12.5 | 1.0114
   12   | 1.0085
   10   | 1.0028
    8   | 1

Alternatively, you may wish to use the frame rate correction feature in the
Local Speed Factors window which will scale the speed factor for you

   WARNING: You may find you cannot control your car and it continually
spins. This usually happens with high frame rates (eg 25fps) and during a
race (especially 100% ones).  The higher the frame rate and the higher the
race distance, the more likely this will happen.  The only way to get
around it at the moment is to lower the frame rate or race distance.
   WARNING: Do not change the frame rate in the middle of a race/driving
session. You must go back out to the main menu before you change it, since
the game calculates some values from the time constant when it enters a
race/driving session.
   WARNING: Replays made at different frame rates just don't work very well
at all. So, if you make a replay, you MUST play it back at that exact same
fps, or all the calculations will stuff up, and results in all the cars
ending up in strange places. Also, continuing a game which was saved at a
different frame rate will result in the air resisitance being incorrect.

 (default is 8 fps)

Target Display
   Set this to the type of display you will be running F1GP with.  Faster
updates are available in NTSC mode as the screen is updated 60 times per
second (rather than 50 in PAL mode). You can toggle your Amiga between PAL
and NTSC with a utility such as Degrader, or via the KS 3.0+ Early Startup
Control menu.
 (default is PAL (50Hz))

Detail Level
   Preset the level of detail that F1GP should use.  This is the equivalent
of pressing ALT-D when playing the game.
 (default is Full)

Default Position
   Usually the game determines the exact position of the in-game display by
reading the system preferences.  This is sufficient on some systems.
However, if you have Workbench set up to use a lot of overscan the game
display will probably not be centred.  More importantly there is a bug in
version A of the game, which results in the left of the game display being
chopped off if the left edge of your Workbench screen is not located at a
specific position. By disabling this feature, you can fix the display to a
position of your choice - the aforementioned bug will also be fixed.
 (default is on)

   Specify the horizontal position of the screen as an offset from the
hardware centre (this might not be the exact centre of your particular
monitor) of the Amiga's display.  Please note that this must not be
set below 0 on AGA Amigas if you want to use the GPPatch HUD.
 (default is 0)

   Specify the vertical position of the screen as an offset from the
hardware centre (this might not be the exact centre of your particular
monitor) of the Amiga's display.
 (default is 0)

Converted on 07 Jun 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.